Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Green Eyed Monster

has found me recently. (Well maybe about 18 months ago if I'm being honest.)

Who or what am I jealous of? SAHMs (Stay At Home Moms).

I don't want to be a full time SAHM, I really don't, I need more adult interaction than that, but part time would be amazing. The reason this is coming up right now is I sort of have this opportunity for a bit. It is good and bad all at the same time. J's mom had surgery on her foot (nothing major and she is healing fine) but she is our daycare 3 days a week. She hasn't been able to watch B in 4 weeks so I am home 3 days a week right now.

It is so great that I'm able to spend all this extra time with B, but it is so difficult trying to work at the same time. I feel so completely stressed between working, taking care of B, cleaning and cooking that I just want to pull my hair out.

I want to be a part time SAHM so that I can do fun things with my girl. I want to take her to story time, to an art class, a gymnastics or dance class. I don't want to feel trapped in our house because I have to edit images for our company website. I want freedom to enjoy my time with her and I'm so jealous of those who have it.

Being home with her the way that I am now is just a big tease for all the fun we could be having!

That being said I have some cute new photos of her being HILARIOUS! Because she is HILARIOUS. I laugh at her every day. She makes me so stinking happy!

Ahhhhh! Blueberries!!! :)
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
Using a fork. haha.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
She dressed herself....
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
Stealing Uncle Alex's hat... and so proud.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Watching TV with her bear.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
Wearing Beth's hat... eating as usual.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Anyone think my daughter has a thing for hats? ;)
And speaking of her eating.... she eats like a cow! You would think she hadn't eaten ever in her life the way she shovels food in.
She eats just about anything still. (Except pork though that is getting better.)

I should probably also tell you that at her 18 month check up she weighed 21lbs 15 oz. (so 22 lbs) and is 31 1/2" tall. My teeny peanut!

Oh and yes I missed posting my big post on my birthday but I'll get it up soon.


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