One of my cousins is getting married in less than a week... on a beach in Florida, in her hometown. Brynn and I (and my mom) are going. Not only is my cousin awesome to begin with but she watches Brynn 2 days a week while I'm at the office (J's mom watches her the other 3 days). Brynn adores her!
I can't wait to get the heck out of here. I'm in a crap mood and just want to go away. I feel terrible that J and my dad aren't going though. I really wish they could. J isn't going because he has to be at work and my dad isn't going because he just had surgery on his ankle last week. (Sad.)
I can't wait to have a mini photoshoot with my girl on the beach!
Look at how little she was last time we went!!! She wasn't even 3 months old!
I'm proud to say that last night I accomplished my 2nd major goal for the year. GO ME!
I have read 50 books this year.
My list of books can be found in a link above. My favorites for the year are the OUTLANDER series by Diana Gabaldon. I'm obsessed! Like I could read them everyday obsessed.
I also really LOVED the Hunger Games series, The Help, The Bronze Horseman (I'm on book #2 of that series now), Harry Potter and The Black Dagger Brotherhood series, Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door)
(It would probably be easier to tell you which books I didn't enjoy actually since all of those are a series of books totalling 29 books so far. (Plus another series of 5 books that I also really enjoyed - Fever series)
So books I could have passed and been fine not reading... Murder Takes the Cake, Sweet Valley Confidential, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover, Falling in Love with English Boys. It isn't that I hated any of them... though a few of them got 2 stars... they just didn't stick with me the way other books have done.
So Now what am I going to do since I have reached my goal? ... Keep reading of course! I started another book this morning! :)
Off to read now... have a great night! It will make your night great if you pick up a copy of Outlander and start reading. ;)
I am so excited!
My 5K is tomorrow! I can't wait! And I have actually started enjoying this running thing. I have started telling Jeff how I wish we had room for a treadmill so I can keep it up even on bad days in the winter.
I'll be back to update on how I did but here is some pre-race fun for you.... my race shirt a map of the run through the zoo, my bib (#404) and my chip to register my time.
next up.... 2 PRs last night...
My goal for the run was to break 40 min .... I think I can do it! ;) Now I feel like I need to give myself a new goal...
After the race we are going to hang out at the zoo for a bit. Jeff, Brynn, my mom, my sissy, Chance and my cousin are all coming to cheer me on.
One year ago the very minute this blog posted I saw this for the very first time.
I fell 100% madly, completely in love. Like nothing I imagined would ever be possible.
Over the last year that love has grown so much it makes me cry if I think about it too much. (I'm not scared to admit it.... I'm sappy and emotional.) Brynn makes me so happy! She is the sweetest thing in the world. I mean seriously so sweet. I haven't ever seen another baby who likes to hug and kiss as much as this little girl does. She does laps around the living room hugging and kissing her toys, her dad and me. We LOVE it! The funny thing is she won't kiss you if you are holding her. She will kiss anyone else though. And hugs... oh they melt my heart over and over again. She loves to pat your arm or back as she is hugging you. If she hugs her dolly or her stuffed Sully she rocks back and forth So.Cute!
But back to how she has grown... She was born at 8lbs 4oz and 20" long at 12:27pm on June 30th. As of June 25th she is about 28" and 18.5 lbs we will see what the DR says at her 1 year appointment next week.
To brag about my little Brynnie a little bit here are all of the fun things she is doing these days...
Walking (getting to be more like running) EVERYWHERE
Playing with all of her fun toys a while ago she figured out her shape sorter and stacker, she loves her stuffed animals and makes them talk to eachother.
Reads - well she makes all her giberish noises while looking through books. It makes my day.
Climbs the stairs
Gets up onto the sofa and divebombs off of it.
Laughs hysterically at the dogs. Especially the littlest dog at my parents house.
Loves wearing her links like a necklace.
Eats or drinks pretty much anything you set on her tray.
She waves and dances when you ask her to.
She dances anytime she hears music. (It basically makes me die laughing.)
She has a pretty good vocabulary for a 1 year old. She says Dada (says that the most), Mama, Dog, Thank You, Car, Good, Done and Hi. Her favorite phrase is Hi Dada! She screams it when he walks in the room.
There are so many other fun things my girl is doing it just blows my mind. I have to go now so I can spend the day with my girl celebrating her life. But what kind of mom would I be if I didn't leave you with some more pictures?! ;) Oh and if you are interested her birth story is in a tab above.
(What do you mean I'm going to be 1 tomorrow?)
Happy Birthday Brynn! I'm am so proud to be your mom. You make all the hard things in life totally worth while. You make all the wonderful things in life even better. I hope you are always the happy, sweet girl that you are now. Daddy and I love you so much we can't wait to watch you grow. Big hugs and kisses.
I love you so much!
And I'm back with a Baby Related Post! :)
Baby wearing!
So it isn't really earth friendly exactly but alot of earth friendly mamas love it so I figured I would include it. I LOVE to wear Brynnie. It is so convinient and such great bonding for me and my girl.
There are so many different options on how you can wear your baby and I couldn't even tell you how many products are on the market. What I can tell you about are our 3 types of carriers.
When Brynnie was little bittie we used a Moby Wrap. That thing was a godsend when I needed to get things done and she was fussy and wanted to be held. I would vacuum while wearing her and she would fall right asleep. That thing was seriously great.
Well now Brynnie is a bit bigger and I feel like she is a bit too heavy for me to feel safe with her in the Moby so my go to is the Ergo. LOVE LOVE LOVE! It is amazing. The shoulders are padded with memory foam and they way it sits on your body is so comfortable. Plus it is the most ERGOnomically correct carrier for your baby. Similar options (like the Bijorn) aren't very good for babies hips. The Ergo is just great. It can hold a child up to 40 (or 42?) lbs and you can use it as a front carry, a back carry or a side carry. Seriously just LOVE this thing.
And finally we have a sling. I have only used it a couple times because I got it after I got the ERGO and Moby but it seems ok. B is too big now to do some of the carrys with it and just a little too small to do a sitting hip carry.